[Nimiq.Vision, Miqslist.com, NimiqLIVE, NIM4] - Indiependy

Hey all,

Happy new year, I figure the start of 2022 to be the best time to go a little bit in-depth on the applications I’ve worked on over the years and how I intend to tie them all together. This is in hopes to increase exposure to the Nimiq Ecosystem.

For those who are not familiar with me, I discovered Nimiq around 2019~. While I may not be super active and vocal in the main Nimiq Telegram/Discord channels, I’m always around lurking - just @harlski and I’ll say hello. Since joining the community I’ve been looking for ways to make use of the skills I have available in conjunction with the existing Nimiq ecosystem.

I’m a bit of a dreamer with projects & often take on more than I can chew - however I’ve had a good run with community members providing assistance & solutions to my problems.

(NIM4 | NIM ⁴ Released late 2019) One of the first projects created was with assistance from a community member/rep. I provided the general concept, and had them complete the programming/coding. Some back and forth, revision & suggestions - testing and re-testing etc. NIM4 was born. Still alive to this day, but 100NIM then is about a 10x of the price of 100NIM today. So rounds don’t progress as quickly anymore, oops hindsight.

Which is where NimiqLIVE (Twitch - Released 04/01/2021) came in, NL was a solo project - something I could leave running on my computer 24/7, auto-playing videos from the official Nimiq YouTube channel to educate people who were ambitious enough to venture down to the lower rungs of the Twitch.Tv crypto category. In conjunction with the existing CoinKit Twitch bot (coinkit.de) I was able to integrate the ability automatically tip and share NIM with active viewers.

One of the downsides of NimiqLIVE is that in order to encourage other Twitch Streamers into also using NIM, I needed to guide them on implementing Coinkit which unfortunately required moderation privileges to be able to use, which to most people is just simply asking for too much.

This is where I started on my quest to find a way to allow any streamer to accept donations of NIM without providing elevated moderation privileges, without providing custody of donations to a middleman & without reading an entire book to get started.

In comes Nimiq Vision (https://nimiq.vision - Released 20-12-2021) a simple way for streamers to apply an overlay on their stream to notify of incoming NIM transactions/donations.
This includes a image of the donators nimicon, amount and the message attached to that transaction. Simple!

While this is still only a new application, there may be some quirks or individual issues I’ll need to deal with, though as NV is only basic JavaScript (Thanks Nimiq :)), as long as the page loads and it’s able to reach consensus, it just works. I don’t see too much that can go wrong.

I’ve set NV up with NimiqLIVE and it appears to work without a hitch, I’m just needing feedback now from other streamers to help improve the on-boarding experience for new users.

This is pretty much my history with Nimiq at this stage, I’m looking to keep each project active this year and their associated Twitter pages
https://twitter.com/Miqslist - tweets to promote new & existing use cases for NIM.
https://twitter.com/NimiqLIVE - tweets to share any news and updates with the Nimiq project itself.
https://twitter.com/NimiqVision - tweets to promote streamers who accept NIM and are using Nimiq.Vision as part of their stream.

There will always be improvements required for each of these projects, ambitious as this work is for me - I genuinely believe this trifecta can be quite helpful to the Nimiq ecosystem - so please let me know if you think I’m doing something wrong, or if I can do something better.

My hope is that one day I won’t have to maintain these alone, I plan to add Nimiq Vision to Github to allow anyone to submit modifications - I hope to move Miqslist away from Wordpress and maintain it as a standalone website - but for now it works just fine.

I’ll continue to use NimiqLIVE as a playground, to improve my coding skills and implement features that encourage user interaction via Twitch chat & other methods.

The more viewership I can get NL means the higher it can rank in the crypto category, one additional benefit is that NimiqLIVE is affiliate, subscribers can actually use the Nimiq Logo anywhere on Twitch as an emote (VIsibility of Nimiq Logo on Twitch can be done by anyone, use that emote in your favorite streamers channel - just use Twitch Prime for access).

Cheers for reading this far, if you skipped to the end - I totally understand!

My page Indiependy below, with quick access to these apps / NimiqLIVE has a Discord that has also had a section split for Nimiq Vision - so jump in and have a chat if anything in this thread resonates with you.

Discord: Discord
Indiependy: https://indiependy.com



Super cool Harley. I hope the vision streamer gets some traction, great idea!