Potential networks/programs that can support Nimiq OASIS

I will list down the networks that support OASIS and potential ones that should support the OASIS fiat-to-crypto-to-fiat protocol.

Implemented networks

Payment initiatives Status Supported area Comments
SEPA Supported Europe TEN31 as platform provider to cover SEPA-supported banks
SWIFT/IBAN Not yet Worldwide, mostly North America Although it wasn’t used often in my area.
Instapay / PESONet Not yet Philippines Instapay works 24/7 while PESONet has cut-off time. Here are the bank/ e-wallet participants of Instapay. **1
PayEasy Not yet Japan While J-Debit is not supported by most retailers, PayEasy could serve as method for depositing into cryptocurrency wallet directly.

More networks similar to SEPA will be added upon suggestions.

**1 - GCash and Paymaya are the most popular e-wallets used in the country and ING Bank is an online bank that also has branches outside the Philippines.

Some information for Japan bank wire transfer (Furikomi) [article]

Supported merchant programs

Merchant programs Status Type Supported area Comments
Salamantex Available PoS System Europe, soon Worldwide
ERP Suggested ERP potentially Worldwide suggestion by PeterVonRebel
WeChat Pay Suggested Payment Service China, WeChat users
LINE Pay Suggested Payment Service Japan, Korea, LINE users
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