Staking Interface Feedback Thread

Like many have said, the staking button is too small initially. I think it would be best if it remained the same consistent size before and after an amount has been staked. Instead of displaying the amount staked it could have a snappy slogan that entices people to stake (e.g. Earn Interest on Your Nimiq).

Secondly, I think the line graph on the amount page is superfluous. I think it would be better just to list the amount earned at each increment rather than pinning it on the graph. Sure, it loses the implication that it is cumulative but I’m sure that could be added in some other fashion. If the graph is to be kept it should be stripped back (e.g. get rid of the unnecessary gridlines) and maybe alter its increments. I find 4, 8, and 12 to be a bit awkward: thinking in thirds seems weird when talking about a year. The middle value should be 6 (half a year is six months). Perhaps showing 0, 6, and 12 would be better? The window should also give you the option to type in exactly how much you want to stake instead of relying on a slider.

Lastly, for people saying the screen is too complicated, you need to remember that the example given is not what users will see when they open their first wallet: they will only have one account and no transactions. As such, there will be plenty of whitespace initially. This will only fill when they start using the wallet. This means it will only get more complicated when they engage with the wallet.


Looks really good, just one thing is that the earnings are automatically staked and in order to get your rewards you have to edit your stake or unstake and restake?

Thanks for all the feedback everyone, it’s really great to see how involved and active this community is!

Although we probably won’t implement every point, all feedback is heard and discussed. Some topics came up multiple times that I’d like to answer quickly:

  1. The size of the staking icon: What I take away from this is that the staking icon should be very prominent in the initial state so people don’t overlook it – fully agree. The reason it’s in that position and has this size is that apart from the first time use we don’t know if every user wants to stake with every address (and staking happens on an address level), especially as funds can’t be unstaked instantly. For that reason, our approach is to keep the icon rather small, but highlight it with a permanent green tooltip and an animated wave-visual in the first view – plus, of course, we’ll have a proper wallet-wide overlay to properly introduce Nimiq 2.0 and the staking feature, if not a proper tour.
  2. Input amount manually in the amount slider: Absolutely. Users will be able to input the amount in the input box that floats above the slider-handle. Potentially we even autofocus this so keyboard navigation is a breeze.
  3. Validator selection: Rewards less prominent, Trust Score more prominent: This is something we’re discussing a lot about as well already, what info is shown where is not final yet.
  4. Custom validators: This feature will be available, it just wasn’t part of the prototype.

Thanks again,


Hi Team,

One thing I find a problem with a different online staking interface that I use is there is no way to export your rewards history to a file, for example in csv format
Staking rewards is a capital gains tax event for some countries so all staking rewards need to be reported yearly to the tax authority. Without an export option it’s a lot of work to get all the individual rewards into a useable format. An export button would be a great feature.
Otherwise, everything is looking great!


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