What are fees?
Every transaction can have a fee chosen and paid by the sender.
Transactions with high fees typically get confirmed faster.
Paying a fee when sending NIM is optional.
Who receives the fees?
Fees goes to solo miners and pools, whenever they mine a block.
How can I set the fee?
When sending NIM in the Safe, you can set the fee under Advanced Settings.
Technical: Calculating the fee
Luna/byte is the unit used to calculate fee amount.
2 Luna/byte is the recommenced average fee. This may change.
A fee between 0-10 Luna/byte can be set in Nimiq Safe.
Basic Transactions have a size of 138 byte.
Extended Transactions have a size of 166 byte + size(message).
Nimfee.info provides detailed statistics: https://nimfee.info
API available at https://nimfee.info/api/mined_stats.json