New Wallet Feedback Thread

Hi everyone!

The new wallet was released to the mainnet. You can find it here:

It would be great to collect impressions, feedback, and even bugs for the ongoing development, so please post you suggestions here.

Pura Vida!


First of all, WOW! Nice job guys. Amazing. I love it. Further more, when staking, I would love to see a counter going up every second when staking. It’s fun and it makes me want to stake even more $NIM, thus wanting me to buy even more nim to stake. Not sure if possible.


The design is awesome and I already tested it as a standalone mobile app and it’s forking flawlessly. Great job!
I’ll forward a request from telegram for a dark mode design.


Looks amazing guys !!!
Would be nice if you could send with 1 click your address to whatsapp, wechat, telegramm, twitter, etc… A dark theme would also be slick. In the final release will you be able to see the price in usd , euro or btc for example ?


This is simply great, the way the map is implemented is a 140 IQ move too, it will make it so much easier to explain Nimiq with it. :heart_eyes:


That line break :confused:


The wallet is great. It will give a better user experience if we can see the wallet balance when trying to send funds to someone.! For exemple in the area of the orange circle.


really cool feature. I LOVE IT!!! thanks for your work



Same here… that line break.


Still has the issue where it detects Firefox on iOS as an in-app browser And just shows a message to open in a real browser

I find the “total balance” unreasonably big. I mean the value displayed are the biggest characters in the whole page, you can see it from 5 meters away, while it is a sensitive information.


A dark mode would be nice! every app or website deserves a dark mode!


I would like to see the total wallet balance in NIM and in a smaller font, and with a thousands-seperator.
Dark theme of course.
A list of my contacts as in the old GUI.
An easier way to manage (import, export) cashlinks.


+1 to dark mode
Would also like to see an option to turn off the fiat value for the amount of NIM held. Like that it’s on by default, but would like the option to switch it off for privacy reasons.


Awesomely amazing work on the wallet! One nice to have would be a slide gesture for the menu, not sure how feasible it is but ja. Dark mode also a must please :pray:

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Bildschirmfoto von 2020-07-02 19-22-29

the chart and prize gets no update ( updated on side reload)

It’s great so far for me! My only problem is showing both of my accounts on the wallet at once and switching between them doesn’t always work.

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Great wallet, although when using Brave browser with shields up, after you have completed a send transaction and get the green transaction complete (i think it says that) there appears to be noway to leave that screen(lockups).
The only way i managed it was to disable the shields up and refresh the browser.

Hope that makes sense:)

Love everything about NIMIQ. Nice Interface and easy use :slight_smile:
I would appreciate if there are more fiat currencies to display with.
Thanks for all the hard work and i strongly believe in the potential of NIMIQ growth :slight_smile:

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Its way better than safe , good job guys .
one thing that bothers me is total balance , fiat values ,market data, dont update async , user must reload the page.

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