Thank you for the clarifications. I feel compelled to contribute further to the conversation as I do believe this particular hill is worth dying on. I’ll reply to your comments and then I had a few additional thoughts I would like to share:
- I do not agree Easy Money explains the payments use case and do agree with @Richy to some extent on this: If Nimiq is never taken seriously as sound money who will use it for payments? I can not stress enough that this is not a point to be taken lightly.
- It does claim Nimiq to be money - just the wrong type of money. I feel this is important to distinguish early on when someone is considering Nimiq as their money of choice.
- The actual ease of use of the network and ux is by far the best way display this commitment (Nimiq is doing a great job here). By all means, make it part of the motto - just don’t shoot yourself in the face to make your point.
- I disagree that a “sleazy” motto works for Nimiq on any level. It to some extent goes to what users you are trying to attract and at what point Nimiq is in its development as a money.
I do believe a motto like “Hard Money. Easy.” is the better line and even more thought provoking than “Easy Money”. The word Hard has the double meaning here: for non-educated users it simply means “Crypto is difficult” and for more educated users it means “Nimiq is trustworthy” and plays off that to state that Nimiq is the easiest to use money around.
It also has the benefit of not appearing amateurish to more experienced crypto people. What I mean by that: people want above all their money to be dependable - they want to know that the value they have decided to place there will not suddenly disappear or erode away. This will win out over ease of use every time.
People suffering from bad money have learned very quickly how to use more complicated systems like bitcoin - they will not struggle to learn Nimiq if they know they can trust it. If Nimiq was already around for a decade and had large network effects then sure, play a little more fast-and-loose with the new motto. But experienced and knowledgeable crypto enthusiasts will have an important part in expanding the reach of Nimiq. And they will not be kind to a project that voluntarily declared its currency to be Easy Money.
I’m not sure I’ll convince you but I do believe Nimiq has immense potential and I feel I have a responsibility to at least make my position on this as clear as possible. I truly believe that if Nimiq keeps to its goals inspired by Bitcoin and continues to focus on ease of use and ux, all Nimiq will need to succeed is simply consistency, dependability, and time.