How to apply for Project Funding

If you have an interesting idea for a Nimiq project and you need some help to get started you can send a proposals. Nimiq Funding can help you with: UI/UX feedback, Security Audits, Tech Mentorship, Initial Funding. Follow these steps to send your proposal!

  1. Check the Forum Community Funding Category for discussion on projects proposals.
  2. Ask in Telegram/Discord, or check in Project Ideas of this forum, for ideas of possible projects. Discuss your idea in the NIMcubator to find community members willing to support you in creating your project.
  3. Read the official announcements of the Nimiq Community Funding Board Meetings.
  4. Read the Suggested Template of a Project Proposal carefully.
  5. Create a post with all relevant information in the Forum Community Funding Category.
  6. Your proposal will be discussed in the next Community Funding Board Meeting and a decision will be provide publicly in the post you created.